Ongoing client communication, attention to hiring manager's needs, and a dedicated recruiting team make for successful partnership
A major metropolitan research and teaching non-profit hospital with multiple locations across the US east coats. This hospital network also includes long-term care, rehab, and assisted living facilities.
Finding and placing skilled healthcare workers during a global pandemic
Near what some have called the COVID-19 epicenter, our client was experiencing higher-than-normal patient volumes and a desperate need for registered nurses (RNs), licenses practical nurses (LPNs), and certified nursing assistants (CNAs). Since COVID was impacting much of the east coast hospital systems concurrently, qualified and skilled talent was scarce and difficult to find.
Laser focused recruitment practice harnessing the power of social media and a healthy talent pipeline
To meet the demands of the increased patients, the Malone Healthcare team quickly assessed the client’s current use of job boards and social media. We leveraged alternative online websites, social media groups and outside networks and our healthcare database. We had qualified talent within our pipeline to quickly deliver the staff our client needed.
Malone finds and retains local talent to fulfill the hospital’s ongoing needs
Our recruiting approach has proven effective in providing the client their needed healthcare professionals and maintaining high standards of care:
• We maintain an average of three to 10 days on Compliance turnaround.
• Malone Healthcare’s account manager has built close relationships with the providers, helping to navigate the client’s onboarding process.
• Many CNAs, LPNs, and RNs were extended past the initial outbreak to ensure the facilities had enough staff even as COVID-19 numbers declined.