Hiring a new HR manager is a very big deal. This person will shape the foundation of your company, so a lot of time and effort must be put into the process.
It’s important to ask questions centered on hiring, development, and culture because you need someone aligned with your vision. Here are a few you don’t want to leave off your list.
How does your onboarding process support new employees?
Proper onboarding is the key to new hire success, so make sure the HR manager understands this and has a comprehensive plan in place. Seek someone who emphasizes personalized development, with an ultimate focus on business goals.
What is your process for finding top talent?
When you need to hire, an HR manager leads the search, so make sure they know where to find the best and brightest candidates. Seek a professional willing to roll their sleeves up and work hard to get the right person for each position — i.e., re-writing job descriptions, attending networking events, and encouraging employee referrals.
How do you help preserve company culture?
An HR manager plays an integral role in building and maintaining company culture. This question will allow you to gauge the candidate’s ability to immerse themselves in your culture, maintain it as you grow, and help it evolve naturally in time. You want someone with a fluid process in place that can be adapted to your culture — not a rigid structure that will change it.
Explain your technique to mitigate employee conflict.
It’d be great if your team always got along peacefully, but disagreements happen when different personalities work closely together. When things get tense enough for the HR manager to step in, you need to know they can handle it. Choose a candidate with solid conflict resolution skills, who can help people find a common ground quickly.
What policy would you implement first as our HR manager?
This question serves the dual purpose of helping you see how much the person researched your company and what they’d be like to have on the team from the start. The best candidates will have identified a problem your team is currently facing, and have a solution ready to put into action.
Need a little help finding the right HR Manager for the job? Malone Workforce Solutions is here to ease the pressure. Get in touch today to find out how we can be of assistance.